Our online payments, whether by Direct Debit or Debit or Credit card, are processed by Charities Aid Foundation, who will also recover Gift Aid for us.
CAF generally refers to the payment as a Donation. During the payment process they will ask if you wish to hear about their work.
When the payment process is complete, you will be returned to our Home page.
Please click the Donate button below to make a secure online payment.
If you do not wish to pay online, please print and complete the Postal Membership Application below, together with either a completed Direct Debit authorization or a Debit/Credit card authorization or a cheque payable to The Hundred Parishes Society. Please post all completed documents to the Society’s Secretary at 2 Greenfields, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex CM24 8AH. Please sign each of the three documents as appropriate.
To make payment direct to the Society’s bank account, please enter the following details: Sort Code 40-52-40 (CAF Bank), Account 00023014 (The Hundred Parishes Society), inserting your name as our reference. CAF Bank is not a clearing bank so your own bank may advise that this account is not recognised.