The Hundred Parishes Society is incorporated in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee (number 8124462). It is Registered Charity number 1157891. Its registered office is 2 Greenfields, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex CM24 8AH
The Society‘s activities are governed by its Articles of Association, particularly its Objects which form part of its Articles. The Society is managed by a board of trustees/directors who are appointed by the members. See links below for details
Membership is open to individuals, families, organisations, local authorities and businesses for a nominal subscription. New members are encouraged and welcomed.
The Society aims to increase awareness, enjoyment and care of the Hundred Parishes. We encourage people to learn about the area‘s character and history and to appreciate its heritage first-hand by visiting. We particularly encourage healthy recreational activity and this website includes a series of interesting walks, many accessible by public transport. We regularly add to this series and in due course hope also to offer cycle routes.
We don’t want to duplicate what is already being done, so we highlight activities of local authorities and other groups that are consistent with our objectives of encouraging understanding, enjoyment and care of the area.
We work with parishes to gather and update information for this website and we will encourage them and other authorities to consider how to improve the visitor experience – for example, by installing information boards or interpretation panels or by publishing a village trail if they don’t have one already. We hope local authorities and other local organisations will give the Hundred Parishes publicity, as appropriate, and will encourage individuals to join the Society.